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G Suite MX Records

Last modified: July 21, 2023
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The final step in getting G Suite up and running is to add the proper DNS records to your domain or web hosting account.

  1. The first step is to delete all existing MX records. You will probably have at least one MX record that looks similar to MX (10) | mail.yourdomain.com. Any existing MX records need to be deleted so they do not interfere with the G Suite MX records you will be adding.
  2. Add the new G Suite MX records to your domain or hosting account using the table below as a guide.
    MX Server AddressPriority
  3. Note that it’s not always possible to set the priority as indicated so just choose whatever is closest – Plesk only allows you to choose between 0 and 5 so choose a priority of 0 for the first G Suite MX record (see screenshot below).
  4. And that’s it – once you’ve added the 5 MX records that G Suite requires you should be good to go.
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