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You Deserve A 3,852% Return on Investment – Crush It With Digital Marketing!

How does a 3,852% return on investment for your advertising dollars sound? Or what about a 184% increase in online sales? Or a 47% reduction in cost per conversion? Seriously, these are real client success stories.

Gescan saw a 3,852% Return On Ad Spend in the last year, including a 10,700% Return On Ad Spend using Google Shopping Ads
The Furnace Store has seen a 2,000% Return on Ad Spend with Google Shopping Ads as well as 20% month over month growth in organic traffic using our SEO services
We partnered with GYMVMT in the middle of the pandemic, reducing cost per conversion by 47% and increased conversion rates from 1.67% to 5.34%
Waterra Pumps has seen a 75% increase in revenue over the last 12 months
Medium Rare Chef Apparel has seen 184% online sales growth in the last 4 years
Ideal Insulation and Roofing has seen a 32% increase in qualified estimate requests

We’re not just offering to run a few Google Ads or upload photos to your Instagram account (seriously, anyone can do that).

We use our entire suite of digital marketing and optimization tools to turn your online presence into a revenue generating machine. These tools include PPC ad management, search engine optimization, website optimization & redesign, conversion rate optimization, email marketing, advanced analytics and detailed reporting.

Whether you want more sales leads, more online sales or more event sign-ups, we can turn your advertising dollars into results. If an exponential increase in ROI sounds good, we should chat.

Take off the gloves and get ready to rumble with your competition.

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Jeff is a web & graphic designer, writer, blogger, videographer and photographer. Jeff has spent almost 25 years in the industry, with hands-on experience in web design, offset printing, digital prepress and graphic design.

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