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Free Google Ads Account Review

We want to share our expertise and help you succeed with your Google ad campaigns. Our Free Google Ads Account Review will give you confidence that you’re doing the right things, or tips on what you can do better.

This is a completely free service – there’s no hidden agenda. If you’re happy with our services maybe you’ll work with us in the future. Great! If not, that’s great too, we’re happy to help 🙂

All information is kept strictly confidential and is never shared with any third-parties. Click here to view our privacy policy.

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What Our Customers Say

I have definitely seen an increase in new clients and I know FOR SURE its because of my website!! YAHOO, great job! They all Googled and found me!

Kathleen Keller
Keller Method Vitality - Calgary, Alberta

You know Local Propeller did an amazing job when competing website developers comment on how the SEO on our site is perfectly optimized and that they would not be able to add any value.

Blake Menning, MBA
All Choice Rentals - Drayton Valley, Alberta