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2024 Wrapped

Medium Rare Chef Apparel
You had a great year, let's check it out!
Top Organic Queries

1. Medium rare
2. Medium rare chef apparel
3. Medium rare chef
4. Medium rare aprons
5. aprons

Website Visits
Average Time
48 sec
Busiest Month
Who Was Visiting Your Website?
This Is How People Found Your Website
Direct -11,880
Organic - 7,357
Paid Search - 6,331
Referral - 1,795
Social Media - 921
Top Visited Pages

1. Home Page
2. /aprons
3. /chef-gear
4. /bib-apron
5. custom-apron-builder

Top Locations

1. Toronto
2. Calgary
3. Vancouver
4. Edmonton
5. Montreal

We Tracked
Leads To Your Website This Year.